Gay Marriage in Iceland 28. júní 2006 12:00 Marvin Lee Dupree Today was a special day, not only for gay people but for Iceland as a country. Gay people now have the same rights as me and every other heterosexual individual in this country. In my opinion this is a step that is long over due, but as the saying goes: better late then never. With the law that came into effect today, same sex couples are allowed to adopt children and make use of artificial reproduction. This law, or the bill itself was introduced last November by former Prime Minister, Halldór Ásgrímsson, who resigned a few weeks ago. There was a considerate amount of harmony in the Parliament about his matter; however, there were a few rotten apples that will not be named that made a disappearing act when the voting procedure took place, i.e. they didn't want to say: no. No doubt a bad PR move nowadays. Still, there is some work left undone. Same sex couples cannot be married by religious affiliations yet - and most importantly The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland has been stalling this issue for too long, and must be forced to modernize its stance on same sex marriage, instead of making claims that there is a committee working towards a resolution whether or not the church should allow same sex couples to be married; which coincidentally seems to be a facade. The bishop himself has often stated that he does not wish to see this matter move forward, that is, he does not want the church to allow same sex marriages. Some have gone as far to say they will deny complying. Even so called theological scholars, or rather, unquestionably Christian scholars say that same sex marriages can not produce children; therefore their "union" is not a marriage according to Genesis, which of course is an authority of all matters that pertain to science or scholarly matters and obviously semantics. It is either time for the church to adopt a modern and liberal stance in these matters or there should be legal intervention. Our church in Iceland is barely above zealots such as Gunnar í Krossinum that proclaim homosexuals and lesbians irrevocable sinners according to the "gospel" of Paul. Marriage is sacred, let there be no doubt about that. That is why I think that people should ponder such an undertaking carefully. If people can pimp their selves out on television and marry each other that way, or, men can buy mail order brides then why is same sex marriage so bad? Why should Elizabeth Taylor be able to marry seven times over? My reasoning may seem faulty, yet on the other hand: why does the church not condemn these people who make a mockery of the holy union? People who love each other should have the right to acknowledge that fact - and it is the priviledge for the church, not a benefit to do so. Iceland can be proud today. And if you are still around in August make sure you see The Gay Pride Festival.Marvin Lee Dupree News in English Opinion of the Day Mest lesið Vilja vita hvort Jón Gunnarsson hafi brotið siðareglur þingmanna Innlent Svara fyrir hylmingu í einu stærsta þjófnaðarmáli Íslandssögunnar Innlent Segir ummæli Ásthildar Lóu ekki samræmast stöðu hennar Innlent Lúffar af ótta við enn meira niðurrif Trumps Erlent Dregur ummælin til baka og biðst afsökunar Innlent Fjársöfnunin á borð lögreglu í enn eitt skiptið Innlent Finnar dæma norsk- rússneskan nýnasista fyrir stríðsglæpi í Úkraínu Erlent „Ég er rasandi hissa á þessu“ Innlent Lögregla bíður þess enn að geta farið til Dóminíska lýðveldisins Innlent Forsvarsmenn Tesla gjalda varhug við tollaaðgerðum stjórnvalda Erlent
Today was a special day, not only for gay people but for Iceland as a country. Gay people now have the same rights as me and every other heterosexual individual in this country. In my opinion this is a step that is long over due, but as the saying goes: better late then never. With the law that came into effect today, same sex couples are allowed to adopt children and make use of artificial reproduction. This law, or the bill itself was introduced last November by former Prime Minister, Halldór Ásgrímsson, who resigned a few weeks ago. There was a considerate amount of harmony in the Parliament about his matter; however, there were a few rotten apples that will not be named that made a disappearing act when the voting procedure took place, i.e. they didn't want to say: no. No doubt a bad PR move nowadays. Still, there is some work left undone. Same sex couples cannot be married by religious affiliations yet - and most importantly The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland has been stalling this issue for too long, and must be forced to modernize its stance on same sex marriage, instead of making claims that there is a committee working towards a resolution whether or not the church should allow same sex couples to be married; which coincidentally seems to be a facade. The bishop himself has often stated that he does not wish to see this matter move forward, that is, he does not want the church to allow same sex marriages. Some have gone as far to say they will deny complying. Even so called theological scholars, or rather, unquestionably Christian scholars say that same sex marriages can not produce children; therefore their "union" is not a marriage according to Genesis, which of course is an authority of all matters that pertain to science or scholarly matters and obviously semantics. It is either time for the church to adopt a modern and liberal stance in these matters or there should be legal intervention. Our church in Iceland is barely above zealots such as Gunnar í Krossinum that proclaim homosexuals and lesbians irrevocable sinners according to the "gospel" of Paul. Marriage is sacred, let there be no doubt about that. That is why I think that people should ponder such an undertaking carefully. If people can pimp their selves out on television and marry each other that way, or, men can buy mail order brides then why is same sex marriage so bad? Why should Elizabeth Taylor be able to marry seven times over? My reasoning may seem faulty, yet on the other hand: why does the church not condemn these people who make a mockery of the holy union? People who love each other should have the right to acknowledge that fact - and it is the priviledge for the church, not a benefit to do so. Iceland can be proud today. And if you are still around in August make sure you see The Gay Pride Festival.Marvin Lee Dupree
News in English Opinion of the Day Mest lesið Vilja vita hvort Jón Gunnarsson hafi brotið siðareglur þingmanna Innlent Svara fyrir hylmingu í einu stærsta þjófnaðarmáli Íslandssögunnar Innlent Segir ummæli Ásthildar Lóu ekki samræmast stöðu hennar Innlent Lúffar af ótta við enn meira niðurrif Trumps Erlent Dregur ummælin til baka og biðst afsökunar Innlent Fjársöfnunin á borð lögreglu í enn eitt skiptið Innlent Finnar dæma norsk- rússneskan nýnasista fyrir stríðsglæpi í Úkraínu Erlent „Ég er rasandi hissa á þessu“ Innlent Lögregla bíður þess enn að geta farið til Dóminíska lýðveldisins Innlent Forsvarsmenn Tesla gjalda varhug við tollaaðgerðum stjórnvalda Erlent