Airport Extended 26. júlí 2006 11:52 Flugstöð Leifs Eiríkssonar, endurbætur. Increased passengers travelling through Leifur Eríksson International Airport have called for an enlargement of the airport building. A new building has been taken into use and further changes are planned for next spring. " We had passenger forecasts made and acted according to that," says managing director Höskuldur Ásgeirsson. "It is clear that we will surpass two million passengers to the airport this year alone. These changes should get us by until the year 2016." He adds that emphasisis was put on flight security. good service and profitable restaurants and shops. "We've worked with British and Danish experts in the field, using Icelandic designers." Several new stores have just opened at the airport, including a new 66 North store and Epal design. One of the largest changes involves a new baggage sorting system which is automatic and is three times faster than the current system. News News in English Mest lesið Sjúkraflugvél hrapaði í Fíladelfíu Erlent Stórir pollar leika bílstjóra grátt Innlent Ólöf Tara Harðardóttir er látin Innlent Trump leggur háa tolla á nágrannaþjóðirnar Erlent „Búið að vera mjög mikið að gera síðasta sólarhringinn“ Innlent Óttast að Evrópuför ríkisstjórnarinnar endi sem bjölluat Innlent Læknir ákærður fyrir að ávísa þungunarrofslyfi Erlent Bæjarskrifstofur og heimili rýmd Innlent Vatnsleki, fjúkandi þakplötur og ófærir ökumenn Innlent Gunnar Bragi starfsmaður Miðflokksins Innlent
Increased passengers travelling through Leifur Eríksson International Airport have called for an enlargement of the airport building. A new building has been taken into use and further changes are planned for next spring. " We had passenger forecasts made and acted according to that," says managing director Höskuldur Ásgeirsson. "It is clear that we will surpass two million passengers to the airport this year alone. These changes should get us by until the year 2016." He adds that emphasisis was put on flight security. good service and profitable restaurants and shops. "We've worked with British and Danish experts in the field, using Icelandic designers." Several new stores have just opened at the airport, including a new 66 North store and Epal design. One of the largest changes involves a new baggage sorting system which is automatic and is three times faster than the current system.
News News in English Mest lesið Sjúkraflugvél hrapaði í Fíladelfíu Erlent Stórir pollar leika bílstjóra grátt Innlent Ólöf Tara Harðardóttir er látin Innlent Trump leggur háa tolla á nágrannaþjóðirnar Erlent „Búið að vera mjög mikið að gera síðasta sólarhringinn“ Innlent Óttast að Evrópuför ríkisstjórnarinnar endi sem bjölluat Innlent Læknir ákærður fyrir að ávísa þungunarrofslyfi Erlent Bæjarskrifstofur og heimili rýmd Innlent Vatnsleki, fjúkandi þakplötur og ófærir ökumenn Innlent Gunnar Bragi starfsmaður Miðflokksins Innlent