Icebergs drift close 27. júlí 2006 11:46 Hafis úti fyrir Norðurlandi Icebergs are unusually close to the Icelandic coast for this time of year. According to meterologist Þór Jakobsson with the National Weather Institute this is due to caæm weather in recent years. " Due to the calm, the ice has spread further east than usual. Normally it's much further west, close to Greenland." A plane from the National Coast Guard made a report on the icebergs yesterday and the ice sheet is about 37 kilometres long. It was nearest to the coast at Straumsnes,north west Iceland. According to Jakobsson, ice can get in the way of cruise ships and he would therefore like to stress to captains to take care when navigating. The ice will not, however, close sailing routes around Iceland. " We're expecting an easterly wind which will drive the ice west away from the coast." News News in English Mest lesið Biðst ekki fullrar lausnar fyrr en úrslit kosninganna verða staðfest Innlent Dómari fær ekki að víkja í máli Margrétar Innlent Bein útsending: Trump sver embættiseið Erlent „Ég held að ég þurfi að fara að pakka niður í tösku og flytja upp í ský“ Innlent Málið orðið persónulegt og erfitt fyrir íbúa Seyðisfjarðar Innlent Nágrannar kæra veitingu leyfis vegna flóttafólks Innlent Heitir umfangsmestu brottvísunum í sögu Bandaríkjanna Erlent Logi leitar aðstoðar hjá sálfræðingi Innlent Andrés Ingi ráðinn framkvæmdastjóri DÍS Innlent Mjög fínt að vera hætt sem sveitarstjóri Innlent
Icebergs are unusually close to the Icelandic coast for this time of year. According to meterologist Þór Jakobsson with the National Weather Institute this is due to caæm weather in recent years. " Due to the calm, the ice has spread further east than usual. Normally it's much further west, close to Greenland." A plane from the National Coast Guard made a report on the icebergs yesterday and the ice sheet is about 37 kilometres long. It was nearest to the coast at Straumsnes,north west Iceland. According to Jakobsson, ice can get in the way of cruise ships and he would therefore like to stress to captains to take care when navigating. The ice will not, however, close sailing routes around Iceland. " We're expecting an easterly wind which will drive the ice west away from the coast."
News News in English Mest lesið Biðst ekki fullrar lausnar fyrr en úrslit kosninganna verða staðfest Innlent Dómari fær ekki að víkja í máli Margrétar Innlent Bein útsending: Trump sver embættiseið Erlent „Ég held að ég þurfi að fara að pakka niður í tösku og flytja upp í ský“ Innlent Málið orðið persónulegt og erfitt fyrir íbúa Seyðisfjarðar Innlent Nágrannar kæra veitingu leyfis vegna flóttafólks Innlent Heitir umfangsmestu brottvísunum í sögu Bandaríkjanna Erlent Logi leitar aðstoðar hjá sálfræðingi Innlent Andrés Ingi ráðinn framkvæmdastjóri DÍS Innlent Mjög fínt að vera hætt sem sveitarstjóri Innlent