Yoko Ono's Imagine Peace Tower 9. október 2006 14:11 Blaðamannafundur Yoko Ono á hótel Nordica Yoko Ono is in Iceland and confirmed her plans to build a Peace Tower on the island Viðey just outside Reykjavík. The peace tower will be lit up forever. The artist and pacifist Yoko Ono said at a press conference that she plans to light up the tower on October 9th. 2007, on John Lennon's birthday. The tower will be lit up in the name of peace. Yoko said that it was appropriate that the tower will be built in Iceland. "I was always convinced that the idea would come to reality and I think it is good timing to do it now because the world needs a light that will be lit forever." The bottom of the tower will be filled with prayers and wishes from people of all nations and Yoko said that she keeps over 900.000 wishes from people that will be sent to Reykjavík. The peace tower is meant to represent the ray of hope for those who dream of world peace. The tower is 20 meters high and it's visibility will depend on the weather. Today Yoko Ono will give out grants from the Lennon Ono trust fund. News News in English Mest lesið Sjúkraflugvél hrapaði í Fíladelfíu Erlent Stórir pollar leika bílstjóra grátt Innlent Ólöf Tara Harðardóttir er látin Innlent Trump leggur háa tolla á nágrannaþjóðirnar Erlent Læknir ákærður fyrir að ávísa þungunarrofslyfi Erlent „Búið að vera mjög mikið að gera síðasta sólarhringinn“ Innlent Vatnsleki, fjúkandi þakplötur og ófærir ökumenn Innlent Óttast að Evrópuför ríkisstjórnarinnar endi sem bjölluat Innlent Bæjarskrifstofur og heimili rýmd Innlent Gunnar Bragi starfsmaður Miðflokksins Innlent
Yoko Ono is in Iceland and confirmed her plans to build a Peace Tower on the island Viðey just outside Reykjavík. The peace tower will be lit up forever. The artist and pacifist Yoko Ono said at a press conference that she plans to light up the tower on October 9th. 2007, on John Lennon's birthday. The tower will be lit up in the name of peace. Yoko said that it was appropriate that the tower will be built in Iceland. "I was always convinced that the idea would come to reality and I think it is good timing to do it now because the world needs a light that will be lit forever." The bottom of the tower will be filled with prayers and wishes from people of all nations and Yoko said that she keeps over 900.000 wishes from people that will be sent to Reykjavík. The peace tower is meant to represent the ray of hope for those who dream of world peace. The tower is 20 meters high and it's visibility will depend on the weather. Today Yoko Ono will give out grants from the Lennon Ono trust fund.
News News in English Mest lesið Sjúkraflugvél hrapaði í Fíladelfíu Erlent Stórir pollar leika bílstjóra grátt Innlent Ólöf Tara Harðardóttir er látin Innlent Trump leggur háa tolla á nágrannaþjóðirnar Erlent Læknir ákærður fyrir að ávísa þungunarrofslyfi Erlent „Búið að vera mjög mikið að gera síðasta sólarhringinn“ Innlent Vatnsleki, fjúkandi þakplötur og ófærir ökumenn Innlent Óttast að Evrópuför ríkisstjórnarinnar endi sem bjölluat Innlent Bæjarskrifstofur og heimili rýmd Innlent Gunnar Bragi starfsmaður Miðflokksins Innlent