Hopes To Raise Maximum Penalty For Child Pornography By Jess Distill 29. október 2020 23:31 A Reform Party MP has been working on a bill to increase the penalties for child pornography from a maximum sentence of two years to a maximum of six, Vísir reports. Vísir/Arnorhalldórs A Reform Party MP has been working on a bill to increase the penalties for child pornography from a maximum sentence of two years to a maximum of six, Vísir reports. Þorbjörg Sigríður Gunnlaugsdóttir, MP for the Reform Party, and a former prosecutor, is presenting the bill, stating that the sentences dealt out under current law are simply not strong enough for the seriousness of the crime. “The police are getting in on far larger cases than before, and a two-year penalty limit simply doesn’t cover the seriousness of the cases. There are people who are taken in with tens of thousands of photos and the material is more extreme than we’ve seen before”, Þorbjörg says. The penalties for child pornography crimes are heavier in most Nordic countries than they are in Iceland currently, with a maximum penalty of six years. In a court ruling form 2015, a man in Iceland was convicted of having 34,000 pornographic photos and 585 pornographic videos in his possession, showing various levels of abuse and explicit material involving children. He was only sentenced to 15 months in prison, 12 of which were suspended. This will be the first bill submitted by Þórbjörg, who has worked for al one time in prosecution in cases like this. The post Hopes To Raise Maximum Penalty For Child Pornography appeared first on The Reykjavik Grapevine. Mest lesið Dómur Sigmars fyrir að nauðga stúlku á göngustíg stendur Innlent Sjáðu herbergið sem Samfó vill en Sjallar neita að yfirgefa Innlent „Þetta verður hvasst, blautt og hlýtt“ Veður Kenndi Biden, flugmönnum, flugumferðarstjórum og „DEI“ um slysið Erlent Búið að ná upp gögnum úr flugstjórnarklefa farþegavélarinnar Erlent Sprautan sprakk og konan heppin að halda auganu Innlent Segir nýja forgangsröðun jarðganga uppi á borðinu Innlent Nærri helmingur segir Danmörku standa ógn af Bandaríkjunum Erlent Handtökur vegna innbrots og skemmdarverka Innlent Héraðsdómur vísar Kiðjabergsmáli frá dómi Innlent
A Reform Party MP has been working on a bill to increase the penalties for child pornography from a maximum sentence of two years to a maximum of six, Vísir reports. Þorbjörg Sigríður Gunnlaugsdóttir, MP for the Reform Party, and a former prosecutor, is presenting the bill, stating that the sentences dealt out under current law are simply not strong enough for the seriousness of the crime. “The police are getting in on far larger cases than before, and a two-year penalty limit simply doesn’t cover the seriousness of the cases. There are people who are taken in with tens of thousands of photos and the material is more extreme than we’ve seen before”, Þorbjörg says. The penalties for child pornography crimes are heavier in most Nordic countries than they are in Iceland currently, with a maximum penalty of six years. In a court ruling form 2015, a man in Iceland was convicted of having 34,000 pornographic photos and 585 pornographic videos in his possession, showing various levels of abuse and explicit material involving children. He was only sentenced to 15 months in prison, 12 of which were suspended. This will be the first bill submitted by Þórbjörg, who has worked for al one time in prosecution in cases like this. The post Hopes To Raise Maximum Penalty For Child Pornography appeared first on The Reykjavik Grapevine.
Mest lesið Dómur Sigmars fyrir að nauðga stúlku á göngustíg stendur Innlent Sjáðu herbergið sem Samfó vill en Sjallar neita að yfirgefa Innlent „Þetta verður hvasst, blautt og hlýtt“ Veður Kenndi Biden, flugmönnum, flugumferðarstjórum og „DEI“ um slysið Erlent Búið að ná upp gögnum úr flugstjórnarklefa farþegavélarinnar Erlent Sprautan sprakk og konan heppin að halda auganu Innlent Segir nýja forgangsröðun jarðganga uppi á borðinu Innlent Nærri helmingur segir Danmörku standa ógn af Bandaríkjunum Erlent Handtökur vegna innbrots og skemmdarverka Innlent Héraðsdómur vísar Kiðjabergsmáli frá dómi Innlent