A battle of loud noises 1. júní 2006 13:31 Ghostigital In Cod We Trust Album Review: Ghostigital - In Cod We TrustGhostigital are Einar Örn Benediktsson, best known for his work with The Sugarcubes, and Curver Thoroddsen, a renowned noise artist in Iceland that has both produced a lot of records as well as made music himself. Numerous guests appear on their latest album, In Cod We Trust, such as Sensational, Ásgerður Júníusdóttir, Elís Pétursson, Gísli Galdur, Hrafn Ásgeirsson, Katiejane Garside, Mark E. Smith, Ragnheiður Ásta Pétursdóttir, Viðar Hákon Gíslason, Steve Beresford, Frosti Logason, Sigtryggur Baldursson, Mugison, Hrafnkell Flóki and Dälek, which gives the record great diversity. Ghostigital is a bizarre blend of heavy electronic beats, 80's new-wave and hip-hop and In Cod We Trust, which is Ghostigital's second album, can easily be described in one word - chaotic. This album is certainly not for everyone. It's loud, chaotic and at some points it doesn't even make sense. Einar Örn seems to randomly shout out whatever comes to his mind and the music itself is quite complex at times. Discordant synths, lots of noises, sporadic record scratches, distorted guitars and tons more all compete for attention of the listener. In Cod We Trust is their for a random splattering of genres over a stream of consciousness and at some times brilliant ramblings of Einar Örn. Noise hip hop is probably the best way to describe their music. This album is uneven but it's this complete illogical sound wall that makes this utter cahos actually make some sense. In Cod We Trust is a adventurous and unpredictable sonic stew which sounds like nothing you've heard before. It's certainly not easy listening but as the members of Ghostigital have said them selves- confusion is the message. Welcome to the sonic world of Ghostigital. - Ágúst Bogason, musician and radio host at Icelandic National Radio 2 Music and Nightlife News in English Mest lesið Fengu tæpar fimm og sex milljónir króna í tvöföldum launagreiðslum Innlent Finnst of langt gengið í glæpavæðingu í umfjöllun um Carbfix Innlent Viðbúin því að fylgjendum fækki í kjölfar TikTok-banns Innlent Hæstaréttardómarar skotnir til bana í Tehran Erlent Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn þurfi að breikka faðminn og vera hlýrri Innlent Veðurviðvaranir og vegalokanir Innlent Ungmenni nota tálbeituaðferðir til að ráðast á meinta níðinga Innlent Undrast sinnuleysi forvera sinna og vill lagabreytingar Innlent Starfsmanni ÍSÍ dauðbrá þegar hún mætti til vinnu Innlent Sagði nei við sölu Íslandsbanka en treystir ráðherra fullkomlega nú Innlent
Album Review: Ghostigital - In Cod We TrustGhostigital are Einar Örn Benediktsson, best known for his work with The Sugarcubes, and Curver Thoroddsen, a renowned noise artist in Iceland that has both produced a lot of records as well as made music himself. Numerous guests appear on their latest album, In Cod We Trust, such as Sensational, Ásgerður Júníusdóttir, Elís Pétursson, Gísli Galdur, Hrafn Ásgeirsson, Katiejane Garside, Mark E. Smith, Ragnheiður Ásta Pétursdóttir, Viðar Hákon Gíslason, Steve Beresford, Frosti Logason, Sigtryggur Baldursson, Mugison, Hrafnkell Flóki and Dälek, which gives the record great diversity. Ghostigital is a bizarre blend of heavy electronic beats, 80's new-wave and hip-hop and In Cod We Trust, which is Ghostigital's second album, can easily be described in one word - chaotic. This album is certainly not for everyone. It's loud, chaotic and at some points it doesn't even make sense. Einar Örn seems to randomly shout out whatever comes to his mind and the music itself is quite complex at times. Discordant synths, lots of noises, sporadic record scratches, distorted guitars and tons more all compete for attention of the listener. In Cod We Trust is their for a random splattering of genres over a stream of consciousness and at some times brilliant ramblings of Einar Örn. Noise hip hop is probably the best way to describe their music. This album is uneven but it's this complete illogical sound wall that makes this utter cahos actually make some sense. In Cod We Trust is a adventurous and unpredictable sonic stew which sounds like nothing you've heard before. It's certainly not easy listening but as the members of Ghostigital have said them selves- confusion is the message. Welcome to the sonic world of Ghostigital. - Ágúst Bogason, musician and radio host at Icelandic National Radio 2
Music and Nightlife News in English Mest lesið Fengu tæpar fimm og sex milljónir króna í tvöföldum launagreiðslum Innlent Finnst of langt gengið í glæpavæðingu í umfjöllun um Carbfix Innlent Viðbúin því að fylgjendum fækki í kjölfar TikTok-banns Innlent Hæstaréttardómarar skotnir til bana í Tehran Erlent Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn þurfi að breikka faðminn og vera hlýrri Innlent Veðurviðvaranir og vegalokanir Innlent Ungmenni nota tálbeituaðferðir til að ráðast á meinta níðinga Innlent Undrast sinnuleysi forvera sinna og vill lagabreytingar Innlent Starfsmanni ÍSÍ dauðbrá þegar hún mætti til vinnu Innlent Sagði nei við sölu Íslandsbanka en treystir ráðherra fullkomlega nú Innlent