A twister made of volcanic ash! 24. maí 2011 17:19 PHOTO/Runolfur Hauksson. A strange sight met a captain of an amphibious vehicle used to sail on the Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon in Iceland on his way from work yesterday. A large twister, that seemed to be made of volcanic ash, was in the middle of the road. „I just stopped the car, otherwise I would have driven right into it and I didn't want to take that chance,“ says Runolfur Hauksson. Twisters of this kind are rare in Iceland, though not unheard of. Runolfur says that guests at the lagoon, one of Icelands' natural wonders, had all but dissapeared when the volcano in Grimsvotn started erupting on Saturday. That does not mean that the staff has been idle, as the cleanup work leaves plenty to be done. At least four centimetres of ash covered everything in the area right after the eruption began. Runolfur says that the eruption has a devastating effect on the tourism industry in the area. „We just hope that it will not last for many days,“ he says.Here are more photos from the lagoon with the ash adding a strange look to the already spectacular landscape. News in English Mest lesið Biðst ekki fullrar lausnar fyrr en úrslit kosninganna verða staðfest Innlent „Ég held að ég þurfi að fara að pakka niður í tösku og flytja upp í ský“ Innlent Heitir umfangsmestu brottvísunum í sögu Bandaríkjanna Erlent Andrés Ingi ráðinn framkvæmdastjóri DÍS Innlent Trump sver embættiseið: Hyggst undirrita fjölda tilskipana strax í dag Erlent Málið orðið persónulegt og erfitt fyrir íbúa Seyðisfjarðar Innlent Búið að laga bilunina Innlent Setti Íslandsmet í klassískri bekkpressu í gær Sport Nágrannar kæra veitingu leyfis vegna flóttafólks Innlent Reyndi að fá bóluefni gegn Covid úr umferð á versta tíma Erlent
A strange sight met a captain of an amphibious vehicle used to sail on the Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon in Iceland on his way from work yesterday. A large twister, that seemed to be made of volcanic ash, was in the middle of the road. „I just stopped the car, otherwise I would have driven right into it and I didn't want to take that chance,“ says Runolfur Hauksson. Twisters of this kind are rare in Iceland, though not unheard of. Runolfur says that guests at the lagoon, one of Icelands' natural wonders, had all but dissapeared when the volcano in Grimsvotn started erupting on Saturday. That does not mean that the staff has been idle, as the cleanup work leaves plenty to be done. At least four centimetres of ash covered everything in the area right after the eruption began. Runolfur says that the eruption has a devastating effect on the tourism industry in the area. „We just hope that it will not last for many days,“ he says.Here are more photos from the lagoon with the ash adding a strange look to the already spectacular landscape.
News in English Mest lesið Biðst ekki fullrar lausnar fyrr en úrslit kosninganna verða staðfest Innlent „Ég held að ég þurfi að fara að pakka niður í tösku og flytja upp í ský“ Innlent Heitir umfangsmestu brottvísunum í sögu Bandaríkjanna Erlent Andrés Ingi ráðinn framkvæmdastjóri DÍS Innlent Trump sver embættiseið: Hyggst undirrita fjölda tilskipana strax í dag Erlent Málið orðið persónulegt og erfitt fyrir íbúa Seyðisfjarðar Innlent Búið að laga bilunina Innlent Setti Íslandsmet í klassískri bekkpressu í gær Sport Nágrannar kæra veitingu leyfis vegna flóttafólks Innlent Reyndi að fá bóluefni gegn Covid úr umferð á versta tíma Erlent