Alcoa paying less? 8. júní 2006 13:59 Álver Alcoa Reyðarfirði framkvæmdir iðnaður erlent vinnuafl byggingar Bectel According to an article on aluminium company Alcoa's homepage, the company pays 50 percent less for hydroelectric power in Iceland than in Brazil. Alain Belda, chairman of Alcoa, states in the article that in Brazil, Alcoa pays 2,200 kronas per hour of megawatts but in Iceland the price is half of that, at 1.100 kronas. Director of the National Power Company, says that the figures in the articles are wrong. " The basic price in our contract with Alcoa is much higher." Alcoa in Iceland released a statement yesterday saying that all price comparisons between Iceland and Brazil were absurd. They have also apologized to the National Power Company for the statements made in the article, which has since been removed from Alcoa's homepage. News News in English Mest lesið Grímuklæddi maðurinn kúkaði aftur á bílinn Innlent Fengu tæpar fimm og sex milljónir króna í tvöföldum launagreiðslum Innlent Margir alvarlega slasaðir á skíðasvæði á Spáni Erlent Sagði nei við sölu Íslandsbanka en treystir ráðherra fullkomlega nú Innlent Prófessorar íhuga verkfall: „40% akademísks starfsfólks í kulnun eða komin langt á leið“ Innlent Undirbúa verkföll: „Þetta er ömurleg staða að svona skuli standa“ Innlent Viðbúin því að fylgjendum fækki í kjölfar TikTok-banns Innlent Finnst of langt gengið í glæpavæðingu í umfjöllun um Carbfix Innlent Snarpur skjálfti við Trölladyngju Innlent E. coli fannst í neysluvatni Innlent
According to an article on aluminium company Alcoa's homepage, the company pays 50 percent less for hydroelectric power in Iceland than in Brazil. Alain Belda, chairman of Alcoa, states in the article that in Brazil, Alcoa pays 2,200 kronas per hour of megawatts but in Iceland the price is half of that, at 1.100 kronas. Director of the National Power Company, says that the figures in the articles are wrong. " The basic price in our contract with Alcoa is much higher." Alcoa in Iceland released a statement yesterday saying that all price comparisons between Iceland and Brazil were absurd. They have also apologized to the National Power Company for the statements made in the article, which has since been removed from Alcoa's homepage.
News News in English Mest lesið Grímuklæddi maðurinn kúkaði aftur á bílinn Innlent Fengu tæpar fimm og sex milljónir króna í tvöföldum launagreiðslum Innlent Margir alvarlega slasaðir á skíðasvæði á Spáni Erlent Sagði nei við sölu Íslandsbanka en treystir ráðherra fullkomlega nú Innlent Prófessorar íhuga verkfall: „40% akademísks starfsfólks í kulnun eða komin langt á leið“ Innlent Undirbúa verkföll: „Þetta er ömurleg staða að svona skuli standa“ Innlent Viðbúin því að fylgjendum fækki í kjölfar TikTok-banns Innlent Finnst of langt gengið í glæpavæðingu í umfjöllun um Carbfix Innlent Snarpur skjálfti við Trölladyngju Innlent E. coli fannst í neysluvatni Innlent