Israeli Attacks Condemned 9. nóvember 2006 13:37 The Icelandic Government condemn Israel's attack on the residential area in Beit Hanoun, Palestine last night, 18 civilians died, many women and children and dozens were hurt. Jón Sigurðsson, practicing Minister of Foreign Affairs stated this in Alþingi today. Israel's Ambassador to Iceland is on his way to the country and next week he will have a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs who will hand over to him the Icelandic Government's formal objections of the attack. Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine, has declared three days of national mourning because of the attacks, this is the greatest loss of Palestinian civilians in an attack from the Israeli army in six years. News News in English Mest lesið Biðst ekki fullrar lausnar fyrr en úrslit kosninganna verða staðfest Innlent „Ég held að ég þurfi að fara að pakka niður í tösku og flytja upp í ský“ Innlent Dómari fær ekki að víkja í máli Margrétar Innlent Málið orðið persónulegt og erfitt fyrir íbúa Seyðisfjarðar Innlent Heitir umfangsmestu brottvísunum í sögu Bandaríkjanna Erlent Nágrannar kæra veitingu leyfis vegna flóttafólks Innlent Andrés Ingi ráðinn framkvæmdastjóri DÍS Innlent Bein útsending: Trump sver embættiseið Erlent Búið að laga bilunina Innlent Setti Íslandsmet í klassískri bekkpressu í gær Sport
The Icelandic Government condemn Israel's attack on the residential area in Beit Hanoun, Palestine last night, 18 civilians died, many women and children and dozens were hurt. Jón Sigurðsson, practicing Minister of Foreign Affairs stated this in Alþingi today. Israel's Ambassador to Iceland is on his way to the country and next week he will have a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs who will hand over to him the Icelandic Government's formal objections of the attack. Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine, has declared three days of national mourning because of the attacks, this is the greatest loss of Palestinian civilians in an attack from the Israeli army in six years.
News News in English Mest lesið Biðst ekki fullrar lausnar fyrr en úrslit kosninganna verða staðfest Innlent „Ég held að ég þurfi að fara að pakka niður í tösku og flytja upp í ský“ Innlent Dómari fær ekki að víkja í máli Margrétar Innlent Málið orðið persónulegt og erfitt fyrir íbúa Seyðisfjarðar Innlent Heitir umfangsmestu brottvísunum í sögu Bandaríkjanna Erlent Nágrannar kæra veitingu leyfis vegna flóttafólks Innlent Andrés Ingi ráðinn framkvæmdastjóri DÍS Innlent Bein útsending: Trump sver embættiseið Erlent Búið að laga bilunina Innlent Setti Íslandsmet í klassískri bekkpressu í gær Sport