Kobe Bryant lék í tuttugu tímabil með Los Angeles Lakers í NBA-deildinni og skoraði 60 stig í 1346. og síðasta leiknum sínum á móti Utah Jazz.
Aðeins tveir leikmenn hafa skorað fleiri stig í deildarkeppni NBA en Kobe (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar og Karl Malone) og hann er sá fjórði stigahæsti í sögu úrslitakeppninnar.
Bandarísku miðlarnir hafa verið duglegir að óska Kobe Bryant til hamingju með afmælið eins og sjá má hér fyrir neðan. Það er líka af nógu að taka enda átti Bryant magnaðan feril í körfuboltanum.
Kobe varð fimm sinnum NBA-meistari með Lakers (2000–2002, 2009, 2010), var tvisvar valinn besti leikmaður lokaúrslitanna (2009, 2010) og einu sinni valinn mikilvægasti leikmaður deildarinnar (2008).
Kobe var ellefu sinnum valinn í fyrsta úrvalslið ársins í NBA (2002–2004, 2006–2013), tvisvar sinnum valinn í annað úrvalsliðið (2000, 2001) og tvisvar sinnum valinn í þriðja úrvalsliðið (1999, 2005).
Hér fyrir neðan má sjá smá samantekt af afmæliskveðjum Kobe Bryant í dag.
Happy 40th Birthday to @Lakers legend, the Black Mamba, @kobebryant! #Kobe40pic.twitter.com/JmcMd00rla
— NBA History (@NBAHistory) August 23, 2018
Happy 40th birthday, Kobe Bryant!
Here are 10 things you may not have known about the Black Mamba. pic.twitter.com/qDsPzQord6
— Yahoo Sports (@YahooSports) August 23, 2018
Happy 40th birthday to Kobe Bryant.
Let's look back to when the Black Mamba dominated the high school scene. pic.twitter.com/5ZYFuoNJz4
— CBS Sports (@CBSSports) August 23, 2018
The Black Mamba turns 40 today.
Happy Birthday, @kobebryant! pic.twitter.com/AFeHaYlKNv
— NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) August 23, 2018
.@kobebryant's career-high vs. every NBA team! pic.twitter.com/7Zmx02okEO
— NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) August 23, 2018
Kobe Bryant's Ultimate Mixtape PT1#Kobe40 Via @NBApic.twitter.com/SKnKXM9R4q
— Ballislife.com (@Ballislife) August 23, 2018
Happy 40th, @kobebryant!
Which one of his signature shoes takes the cake? pic.twitter.com/KUvWaJUrQG
— NBA TV (@NBATV) August 23, 2018
SN's cover in 2008 celebrated Kobe Bryant's 30th birthday.
Today the NBA legend turns 40. #Kobe40pic.twitter.com/VxSn6DTp6X
— Sporting News (@sportingnews) August 23, 2018
Happy 40th, Kobe. pic.twitter.com/4BnDw16iTh
— Cycle (@bycycle) August 23, 2018
Celebrating 40 years of Kobe with some of his most iconic photos. pic.twitter.com/o823ITIe9y
— ESPN (@espn) August 23, 2018
Bon anniversaire '@KobeBryant' !
18x All-Star
5x NBA Champ
2008 MVP
2x MVP des Finales
4x All-Star MVP
15x All-NBA
12x All-Defensive
2x Scoring Champ #Kobe40pic.twitter.com/yY0LXQi1Ny
— NBA France (@NBAFRANCE) August 23, 2018
Happy 40th birthday to Kobe Bryant!! pic.twitter.com/JUfv8yu7V5
— Courtside Films (@CourtsideFilms) August 23, 2018
Kobe Bryant turns 40 today!
He has 121 40-PT games.
The entire TNT NBA family has 104 40-PT games.#Kobe40#MambaDay
Inside the NBA Video - Kobe guesses how many 40 PT games he's had: https://t.co/HZXoVapdPXpic.twitter.com/Oe43I05B3J
— Ballislife.com (@Ballislife) August 23, 2018
Turning 40 today: @kobebryant, born hours short of what would become “Mamba Day,” the date with his two numbers (8-August, 24). This is Kobe at 20, 30 and 40 years old. pic.twitter.com/IRVs1pAz9a
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) August 23, 2018
Today we celebrate Kobe Bryant’s 40th birthday! Here's a story of Bryant’s career, by his numbers. #MambaDayhttps://t.co/DWqyuwb3JHpic.twitter.com/TQM8YHnCcv
— The Undefeated (@TheUndefeated) August 23, 2018
The big 4️ for Black Mamba! pic.twitter.com/SsMnRx3LZh
— NBC Sports (@NBCSports) August 23, 2018