Icelandic members of parliament free their nipples By Atli Ísleifsson and Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason 26. mars 2015 08:21 Björt Ólafsdóttir was elected for parliament in 2013. Vísir/Anton An Icelandic member of Parliament has joined the #freethenipple campaign by posting a picture of her breast on Twitter. Björt Ólafsdóttir of the party Bright Future posted her picture last night with the message: „This is for feeding children. Shove it up your patriarchy!“ Another MEP, Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir of the Progressive Party, followed suit and posted a picture of herself breastfeeding her twins. Hundreds og Icelandic men and women yesterday posted pictures of their nipple in support of the #freethenipple campaign, inteded to address equal rights for men and women, a more balanced system of censorship, and legal rights for all women to breastfeed in public. University and high school students in Iceland are setting their nipples free and have declared March 26th a #FreeTheNipple day at their schools. They feel the nipple on the female body should be allowed to be free like on the male body. A female Icelandic student posted a picture of herself showing her nippleTuesday night. The posting received criticism from a male user who has since removed his post as has the female student. The criticism started a movement that now sees students at the University of Reykjavik along with three Reykjavik high schools declaring a #FreeTheNipple day today.Þessi er hérna til að gefa börnum að borða. Troðiði því upp í feðraveldið á ykkur. #FreeTheNipple— Björt Ólafsdóttir (@bjortolafs) March 25, 2015 Púðar til að geirvartann sjáist ekki gegnum fötin?– hvenær urðu geirvörtur óviðeigandi? #FreeTheNipple— Líneik Anna Sævars (@lineikanna) March 26, 2015 #FreeTheNipple Tweets #FreeTheNipple News in English Tengdar fréttir Icelandic students decide to set the nipple free "I feel pissed that I can't flag these beauties at my own will" writes an Icelandic TV personality along with a picture she posts in support of the campaign #FreeTheNipple. 25. mars 2015 20:11 Mest lesið Svara fyrir hylmingu í einu stærsta þjófnaðarmáli Íslandssögunnar Innlent Vilja vita hvort Jón Gunnarsson hafi brotið siðareglur þingmanna Innlent „Ég er rasandi hissa á þessu“ Innlent Finnar dæma norsk- rússneskan nýnasista fyrir stríðsglæpi í Úkraínu Erlent Lögregla bíður þess enn að geta farið til Dóminíska lýðveldisins Innlent Vill rannsóknarnefnd Alþingis vegna byrlunarmálsins Innlent Leit hætt í Borgarnesi og staðan metin með morgninum Innlent Keyptu húsið aftur árið 2019 á sama verði og árið 2007 Innlent Segir ummæli Ásthildar Lóu ekki samræmast stöðu hennar Innlent Vínkaup-og veitingamenn uggandi vegna hótana um ofurtolla Erlent
An Icelandic member of Parliament has joined the #freethenipple campaign by posting a picture of her breast on Twitter. Björt Ólafsdóttir of the party Bright Future posted her picture last night with the message: „This is for feeding children. Shove it up your patriarchy!“ Another MEP, Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir of the Progressive Party, followed suit and posted a picture of herself breastfeeding her twins. Hundreds og Icelandic men and women yesterday posted pictures of their nipple in support of the #freethenipple campaign, inteded to address equal rights for men and women, a more balanced system of censorship, and legal rights for all women to breastfeed in public. University and high school students in Iceland are setting their nipples free and have declared March 26th a #FreeTheNipple day at their schools. They feel the nipple on the female body should be allowed to be free like on the male body. A female Icelandic student posted a picture of herself showing her nippleTuesday night. The posting received criticism from a male user who has since removed his post as has the female student. The criticism started a movement that now sees students at the University of Reykjavik along with three Reykjavik high schools declaring a #FreeTheNipple day today.Þessi er hérna til að gefa börnum að borða. Troðiði því upp í feðraveldið á ykkur. #FreeTheNipple— Björt Ólafsdóttir (@bjortolafs) March 25, 2015 Púðar til að geirvartann sjáist ekki gegnum fötin?– hvenær urðu geirvörtur óviðeigandi? #FreeTheNipple— Líneik Anna Sævars (@lineikanna) March 26, 2015 #FreeTheNipple Tweets
#FreeTheNipple News in English Tengdar fréttir Icelandic students decide to set the nipple free "I feel pissed that I can't flag these beauties at my own will" writes an Icelandic TV personality along with a picture she posts in support of the campaign #FreeTheNipple. 25. mars 2015 20:11 Mest lesið Svara fyrir hylmingu í einu stærsta þjófnaðarmáli Íslandssögunnar Innlent Vilja vita hvort Jón Gunnarsson hafi brotið siðareglur þingmanna Innlent „Ég er rasandi hissa á þessu“ Innlent Finnar dæma norsk- rússneskan nýnasista fyrir stríðsglæpi í Úkraínu Erlent Lögregla bíður þess enn að geta farið til Dóminíska lýðveldisins Innlent Vill rannsóknarnefnd Alþingis vegna byrlunarmálsins Innlent Leit hætt í Borgarnesi og staðan metin með morgninum Innlent Keyptu húsið aftur árið 2019 á sama verði og árið 2007 Innlent Segir ummæli Ásthildar Lóu ekki samræmast stöðu hennar Innlent Vínkaup-og veitingamenn uggandi vegna hótana um ofurtolla Erlent
Icelandic students decide to set the nipple free "I feel pissed that I can't flag these beauties at my own will" writes an Icelandic TV personality along with a picture she posts in support of the campaign #FreeTheNipple. 25. mars 2015 20:11