Kanadíski tónlistarmaðurinn Justin Bieber hafnar öllum ásökunum um meint kynferðisbrot af hans hálfu sem áttu að hafa átt sér stað árið 2014 á Four Seasons hótelinu í Houston Bandaríkjunum. BBC greinir frá.
Ásakanirnar birtust á samfélagsmiðlinum Twitter frá konu að nafni Danielle. Þar segir: „Þann 9. mars árið 2014 var ég misnotuð kynferðislega af Justin Bieber.“
Anonymous woman accuses Justin Bieber of sexually assaulting her at the Four Seasons in 2014, Bieber’s camp deny the claims and say he was staying at an Airbnb on that date. pic.twitter.com/nXMSQMqmpi
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) June 21, 2020
Bieber hefur svarað þessum ásökunum á miðlinum og segist aldrei hafa gist á Four Seasons hótelinu á þessum tíma.
„Allar ásakanir um kynferðisbrot þarf að taka mjög alvarlega og þess vegna verð ég að tjá mig um málið. Þessar sögusagnir standast enga skoðun og þess vegna hef ég ákveðið að vinna þetta mál með forsvarsmönnum Twitter og lögregluyfirvalda.“
Every claim of sexual abuse should be taken very seriously and this is why my response was needed. However this story is factually impossible and that is why I will be working with twitter and authorities to take legal action.
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020
Hann segist hafa verið með Selena Gomez, þáverandi kærustu sinni, á þessum tíma og á öðru hóteli.
On march 10th selena left for work and I stayed at the Westin as the receipts clearly showed with my friends nick and john before I left town. Once again not at the four seasons. We booked it for a couple days to stay for the defjam show but I bailed on the 11th to head back home pic.twitter.com/Ku15SCYz91
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020
The Pics I showed of me and Selena march 9 in Austin should make it clear that we were together that night and went from the venue to our Airbnb and never went to the four seasons. This is our airbnb receipt where we crashed with our friends pic.twitter.com/4ZDIqjeCIQ
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020
We have also confirmed with the Four Seasons regional manager that I was never on property on the 9th of March 2014 and never a guest on the 9th or the 10th and I welcome all press to inquire with them if needed or wanted.
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020
Þann 9. mars árið 2014 segist Bieber hafa verið í Airbnb íbúð með Selena Gomez og fleiri vinum.
Furthermore I stayed with Selena and our friends at an airbnb on the 9th and on the 10th stayed at a Westin because our hotel reservation at LÀ Quinta and not the four seasons was messed up. Here are the receipts for the hotel on the 10th pic.twitter.com/hLNHnvJ6XS
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020
These photos clearly show me on stage with my assistant sidestage and the other with both of us in the streets of Austin afterwards on March 9 2014 pic.twitter.com/WlC6KAvJOZ
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020