Workers have the right to decide their own fate in negotiations Ian McDonald skrifar 2. desember 2022 08:01 My name is Ian and I work in a manufacturing job in Iceland. I am a member of Efling Union, and I also sit on the union’s negotiations committee. My job is many levels of management below the executives and the CEOs. I am one of the people who make a product which is then sold for a massive profit by the company where I work. My labor is essential to this continued profitability. As is the labor of everyone I work with, and everyone else in my position at other companies. That labor is the subject of a calculation by employers, which can be boiled down to a single sentence: “What is the absolute bare minimum we can pay this employee to stop him from not taking the job in the first place or from walking out of the door?” I have spent a long time in that position, where my only choices were to try and justify a pay raise to those same people making that calculation, or to wait and hope that other people win some kind of distant fight behind closed doors for any shred of leniency and support. That has now changed. Attending negotiations meetings with employers is the first time that I have been able to sit down and look a person in the eye while they tell us that we don’t deserve to be paid a living wage. For the longest time, we have been lied to that wage increases and other concessions are unaffordable and unrealistic. Until now, we have had no recourse to fight this narrative. No way to tell a truth to that lie. Yet, the idea that a wage increase is unaffordable by corporations is absolutely, fundamentally untrue. Perhaps that is why SA have not brought up that argument in the negotiations with Efling up to this point. Maybe SA knows that the moment they do, they would be confronted by the immense profits of the companies they represent and the entire edifice would crumble. We live in a time where every year gets harder and harder for us to merely exist. Where every paycheck goes less and less far. For far too long we have been deliberately removed and excluded from the very process which determines our quality of life. We have not been considered important enough to even be in the room. Just a number in a calculation. That is changing now. I look forward to continuing my work in the Efling negotiations committee with my brave fellow Efling workers. The author is an immigrant worker in manufacturing in Iceland and member of the Efling negotiations committee. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Kjaramál Kjaraviðræður 2022 Mest lesið Magnús Karl er hæfastur rektorsframbjóðenda Ástráður Eysteinsson Skoðun Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir – rétti leiðtoginn fyrir Háskóla Íslands Hafliði Ásgeirsson,Eyjólfur Brynjar Eyjólfsson,Þorbjörg St. Þorsteinsdóttir Skoðun Kjósum opnara grunnnám Toby Erik Wikström Skoðun Háskólasamfélag á tímamótum - Silja Bára sem næsti rektor HÍ Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir Skoðun Hver reif kjaft við hvern? Gunnar Hólmsteinn Ársælsson Skoðun Betri starfsaðstæður og skilvirkari háskóli Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir Skoðun Alþjóðlegt samstarf er forsenda öruggra landamæra Jón Pétur Jónsson,Íris Björg Kristjánsdóttir Skoðun Ríkisábyrgð á 1.490 milljarða króna? Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson Skoðun Sagnaarfur Biblíunnar – Davíð og Golíat, hugrekki og berskjöldun Dr. Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson Skoðun Allt fyrir samansúrrað pólitískt og peningalegt vald? Arnar Þór Jónsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Ríkisábyrgð á 1.490 milljarða króna? Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Sagnaarfur Biblíunnar – Davíð og Golíat, hugrekki og berskjöldun Dr. Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Hver reif kjaft við hvern? Gunnar Hólmsteinn Ársælsson skrifar Skoðun Alþjóðlegt samstarf er forsenda öruggra landamæra Jón Pétur Jónsson,Íris Björg Kristjánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Háskólasamfélag á tímamótum - Silja Bára sem næsti rektor HÍ Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Kjósum opnara grunnnám Toby Erik Wikström skrifar Skoðun Magnús Karl er hæfastur rektorsframbjóðenda Ástráður Eysteinsson skrifar Skoðun Betri starfsaðstæður og skilvirkari háskóli Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvers vegna styð ég Magnús Karl í kjöri til rektors Háskóla Íslands? Ingileif Jónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Allt fyrir samansúrrað pólitískt og peningalegt vald? Arnar Þór Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Vopnakaup íslenska ráðamanna Friðrik Erlingsson skrifar Skoðun Samstaðan er óstöðvandi afl Helga Þórey Júlíudóttir skrifar Skoðun Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir – rétti leiðtoginn fyrir Háskóla Íslands Hafliði Ásgeirsson,Eyjólfur Brynjar Eyjólfsson,Þorbjörg St. Þorsteinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hegða sér eins og ofdekraðir unglingar Hjörtur J. Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Af hverju ættu nemendur að kjósa Magnús Karl sem rektor HÍ? Eygló Sóley Hróðmarsdóttir Löve,Daníel Thor Myer skrifar Skoðun Við mótmælum nýbyggingum í Neðra Breiðholtinu Jökull Þór Sveinsson,Hlynur Ingi Jóhannsson skrifar Skoðun Er „sam-búð“ búsetuform 21. aldar og lausn við háum byggingakostnaði? Sara Björg Sigurðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Tryggjum framtíð endurnýjanlegrar orku á Íslandi Íris Lind Sæmundsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Reynsla, framtíðarsýn og kjarkur Silju Báru Anna Helga Jónsdóttir,Sigurður Örn Stefánsson skrifar Skoðun Gunnar Smári hvað er hann? Birgir Dýrfjörð skrifar Skoðun Um Ingibjörgu Gunnarsdóttur – ferill að rektorskjöri Rúnar Unnþórsson,Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson skrifar Skoðun Ísland er leiðandi ljós og hvatning til fjölmiðla Hrönn Egilsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Forvarnir á ferð Erlingur Sigvaldason skrifar Skoðun Vertu meðbyr mannúðar Birna Þórarinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Fegurð sem breytir skólum Einar Mikael Sverrisson skrifar Skoðun Það læra börnin sem fyrir þeim er haft Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson skrifar Skoðun Björn Þorsteinsson as Rector - A visionary leader uniting disciplines and driving innovation Marianne Elisabeth Klinke skrifar Skoðun Verður Frelsið fullveldinu að bráð? Anton Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Til rektorsframbjóðenda: Hvað gerir nýr rektor HÍ við Endurmenntun? Ólafur Stephensen skrifar Skoðun Mataræði í stóra samhengi lífsins Birna Þórisdóttir skrifar Sjá meira
My name is Ian and I work in a manufacturing job in Iceland. I am a member of Efling Union, and I also sit on the union’s negotiations committee. My job is many levels of management below the executives and the CEOs. I am one of the people who make a product which is then sold for a massive profit by the company where I work. My labor is essential to this continued profitability. As is the labor of everyone I work with, and everyone else in my position at other companies. That labor is the subject of a calculation by employers, which can be boiled down to a single sentence: “What is the absolute bare minimum we can pay this employee to stop him from not taking the job in the first place or from walking out of the door?” I have spent a long time in that position, where my only choices were to try and justify a pay raise to those same people making that calculation, or to wait and hope that other people win some kind of distant fight behind closed doors for any shred of leniency and support. That has now changed. Attending negotiations meetings with employers is the first time that I have been able to sit down and look a person in the eye while they tell us that we don’t deserve to be paid a living wage. For the longest time, we have been lied to that wage increases and other concessions are unaffordable and unrealistic. Until now, we have had no recourse to fight this narrative. No way to tell a truth to that lie. Yet, the idea that a wage increase is unaffordable by corporations is absolutely, fundamentally untrue. Perhaps that is why SA have not brought up that argument in the negotiations with Efling up to this point. Maybe SA knows that the moment they do, they would be confronted by the immense profits of the companies they represent and the entire edifice would crumble. We live in a time where every year gets harder and harder for us to merely exist. Where every paycheck goes less and less far. For far too long we have been deliberately removed and excluded from the very process which determines our quality of life. We have not been considered important enough to even be in the room. Just a number in a calculation. That is changing now. I look forward to continuing my work in the Efling negotiations committee with my brave fellow Efling workers. The author is an immigrant worker in manufacturing in Iceland and member of the Efling negotiations committee.
Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir – rétti leiðtoginn fyrir Háskóla Íslands Hafliði Ásgeirsson,Eyjólfur Brynjar Eyjólfsson,Þorbjörg St. Þorsteinsdóttir Skoðun
Alþjóðlegt samstarf er forsenda öruggra landamæra Jón Pétur Jónsson,Íris Björg Kristjánsdóttir Skoðun
Skoðun Sagnaarfur Biblíunnar – Davíð og Golíat, hugrekki og berskjöldun Dr. Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson skrifar
Skoðun Alþjóðlegt samstarf er forsenda öruggra landamæra Jón Pétur Jónsson,Íris Björg Kristjánsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Háskólasamfélag á tímamótum - Silja Bára sem næsti rektor HÍ Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Hvers vegna styð ég Magnús Karl í kjöri til rektors Háskóla Íslands? Ingileif Jónsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir – rétti leiðtoginn fyrir Háskóla Íslands Hafliði Ásgeirsson,Eyjólfur Brynjar Eyjólfsson,Þorbjörg St. Þorsteinsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Af hverju ættu nemendur að kjósa Magnús Karl sem rektor HÍ? Eygló Sóley Hróðmarsdóttir Löve,Daníel Thor Myer skrifar
Skoðun Við mótmælum nýbyggingum í Neðra Breiðholtinu Jökull Þór Sveinsson,Hlynur Ingi Jóhannsson skrifar
Skoðun Er „sam-búð“ búsetuform 21. aldar og lausn við háum byggingakostnaði? Sara Björg Sigurðardóttir skrifar
Skoðun Reynsla, framtíðarsýn og kjarkur Silju Báru Anna Helga Jónsdóttir,Sigurður Örn Stefánsson skrifar
Skoðun Um Ingibjörgu Gunnarsdóttur – ferill að rektorskjöri Rúnar Unnþórsson,Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson skrifar
Skoðun Björn Þorsteinsson as Rector - A visionary leader uniting disciplines and driving innovation Marianne Elisabeth Klinke skrifar
Skoðun Til rektorsframbjóðenda: Hvað gerir nýr rektor HÍ við Endurmenntun? Ólafur Stephensen skrifar
Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir – rétti leiðtoginn fyrir Háskóla Íslands Hafliði Ásgeirsson,Eyjólfur Brynjar Eyjólfsson,Þorbjörg St. Þorsteinsdóttir Skoðun
Alþjóðlegt samstarf er forsenda öruggra landamæra Jón Pétur Jónsson,Íris Björg Kristjánsdóttir Skoðun